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Bolnisi, Gənclərinin, I Yay Düşərgəsi keçirilib,Holding a football tournament

Bolnisi, Gənclərinin, I Yay Düşərgəsi keçirilib,Holding a football tournament

Bolnisi, Gənclərinin, I Yay Düşərgəsi keçirilib,Holding a football tournament






On August 16-23, 2024, in Dushanbe on the eve of the 33rd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a football tournament was held between the structural units of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dedicated to the “World Football Day”, proposed by the President of the Central Asian Football Association (CAFA), President of the Football Federation of Tajikistan, Chairman of the Majlisi Milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan and Chairman of the City of Dushanbe, honorable Rustam Emomali, which was adopted through the special resolution by the United Nations General Assembly.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Farrukh Sharifzoda made a speech at the awards ceremony and presented prizes to the winners of the tournament.

In this tournament, 23 matches were played between 10 teams.




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